I went to last night The Secret Life of Nora final show, eventhough its final there is nothing special arrangement. The show is bilingual and come with subtitle screen. The tickets is really selling fast, my younger sister last minute decision want to tag along can forget her wish since the ticket is already sold out on Friday. Maxis promotion buy 1 free 1 is really help the ticket booze, even it’s limited to Maxis customer but it'seem anyone can also redeem the promo since no verification is needed.
Last theatre I saw was Natrah – a very heartwarming show, I think it was superb, comparing Natrah - the Secret Life of Nora is a bit boring, I don’t enjoying that much. Second part is doom than the first one and I think some part of the scenes will be interesting if it can be elaborate more.
Tagline; every fairytale have happy ending and so the ending is too klise owh well~. The vocal is strong, great musical; each casts give energetic performance and I love the songs arrangement. But I think the dance choreographer is perky maybe to adjust with the sissy theme? Adibah Noor and Aznil are very entertaining, some of their playing parts is really hilarious. One time when the scene had explosion, Aznil is fall off from the stage – ouch and applause to spontaneous Adibah Noor ad-lib.
The talented cast |