Opposite hotel is a shop building - bank, gym, restaurants, another budget hotel, maxis center and money changer. But since we going out too early it's difficult to find place for breakfast, mostly the shops is still not open yet. Also i cannot change the money since the money changer will opening late at 12noon but our bus schedule at 10.30, lucky my friend have spare dollars but then the driver bus told us inside the USS also got money changer so it's a relief.
It's took almost 3hrs to Sentosa (depends on the traffic) through 2 times immigration one for Johor immigration and another for S'pore immigration. For Malaysian passport holder the process is easier, just slot in your passport onto the machine, thumb your print and when the machine read - you're done! it's so easy while at S'pore immigration as usual line up at the counter and drop your passport together with immigration card for stamp.Bus will park exactly @USS, take the escalator just until you see the main gate and here we go-- welcome to Universal Studio! This is the play map, or for more clearer map you can browse the official site
http://www.rwsentosa.com/language/en-US/MapsUSSI'm going by clock-wise,
Entrance is Hollywood street.
Everything resemble the Hollywood and also right and left is souvenir shop but I save it for last - going play is my first priority. Because i'm going at the peak-school holiday lots of mascot appear like The Blue mascot bird, Charlie Chaplin, Cleopatra, The Joker, Shrek, Kungfu Panda Bear and my favorite of course Marlyn Monroe! even though she only a character but people make a crowd and chasing her on street plus she is safeguarded with 8 bodyguard! she is really popular like Marlyn herself lol
Next stop: Madagascar.
I love the Crate Adventure, riding a boat and the effect is so fun plus i love Madagascar character! it's so cute.
Next stop: Far Far Away
Who's never heard of Far Far Away kingdom? definitely one of my fav attraction. First we take the Enchanted Airways - it's junior roller coaster then we go for Shrek 4D and i think i fall in love in 4D!! it's story-play that you being seated in cinema, not only viewing it but you can feel it too! that is so cool. Too bad i missed Donkey Live because at that time we have to wait for the next play at2pm so we decide to go for another attraction.
Next stop: Lost World
One thing i hate about USS in Singapore the que is killing me!! seriously for Canopy Flyer i have to que an hour, that was crazy. You have option not to que just buy the express pass, but i love my money not gonna waste when you can have it for free duh lol.
You can see how long the que is!! |
Next stop: Underwaterworld
It's a show in exactly Underwaterworld world. Blue seat you will get wet or maybe soak in water, Green seat maybe so-so will get wet and Yellow you're in safe zone. I have to seat in Blue zone coz when i'm arrived the safe seat already full. You might scared about getting wet but trust me getting wet/soak in water is so fun, because the actor is so spontaneous and funny, plus i'm dry up so fast because the weather is so hot at that time.
Next stop: Ancient Egypt
Fell like i'm Mummy world- the set exactly cool, all huge mummies standing huge-tall. I love Revenge of the Mummy - high speed roller coaster in the dark with reverse effect and scary voice, it's fun! just before you enter no bag is allowed, you can place your beg at the accommodate locker and it's free for the first2hr and you will be charged if exceeded 2hrs but i don't remember how much it will cost.
DO NOT enter Treasure Hunters if you not a kid or exactly not kid-minded because it's just a small train go around with lousy fake effect - totally wasting my time!
Shrek castle "Far Far Away" from Egypt City |
Next stop: Sci-Fi City
What fun here, of course roller coaster!! two hatic coaster Human (Red) and Cyclon (Blue) dunno cobra roll or zero-gravity roll but thanks to it i'm totally being up-side-down-right-lef and i think i'm screaming for very long enough until my voice only half come-out, and i'm willing to ride Human & Cycoln for second time. Must try for roller coaster lovers.
Next stop: New York
Photo time! i'm taking picture for every possible props here and Oh! don't forget Light! Camera! Action! hosted by Steven Spielberg, impressive effect reveled on how Spielberg use it in his film.
Final stop will be the Hollywood street again. It's time to walk-in to souvenir shop, i only shop for the on top of my list i.e T-shirt and key-chain.
Souvenir for my parents: Postcard and fridge magnet.
Souvenir for my friends: None haha sorry guys >_<
Well this is the list price items that i scout:
Poscard: Buy 5 free 1 $2
Fridge magnet: Rubber $4.90 / Medal $5.90
Bird Mascot: $9.90
Key chain: from $3.90 to $8.90
T-shirt: Average $25 to $35
Cap: Average $20 - $30
Mug: $13 or more?
Oscar award replica @opposite Hollywood shop: $28 whut?? |
After done shopping we say good bye to all fun entertainment, just opposite the main gate is Sentosa shopping, drop by at Hard Rock Cafe, Candylicous and Colourful Merlin. We take 10.30pm bus going back to JB and arrived almost midnight.
Next:Singapore Sight Seeing!